

Hi! We're Gael Force.

Interested in Robotics?

Consider joining our team! We're beginner friendly and pride ourselves on our teaching abilites. Check out the Join page for more details and directions.

Already on a team?

If you need to finish up some paperwork, look at the Documents/Forms page.

If you're here to see your team's page, look at our Team Directory. If you want to update your team page, please contact Ritvik, the Board, or your Captain for directions on how to do so. (The same goes for adding anything to the Resources / Products page.)

If you want to sign up for teaching a Gael Force Academy session, go to the GFA page and fill out the form. Make sure to talk to Jeff (or any Board member) to ensure that the scheduling for your volunteering session is correct.

Want to learn more about GFR?

GFR is a huge club with a long history. You can check out the About page to learn more about the club and what it does. You can also view our Team Directory in order to learn more about the individual teams of our organization.

Check out what we made

Our organization has a proud tradition of staying open-source so we published all of our innovations. You can look at the Resources / Products page to see our Build Guides, Programming Binders, and Simulations. We hope you are able to utilize the tools we’ve created.