The Gael Force Academy is a new program established by DHS’s Gael Force Robotics Club to teach newer members critical engineering skills, in order to prepare them for a future in both engineering and competitive VEX robotics. Academy students will work closely with seasoned members to learn about general engineering principles and gain hands-on experience.
Please find the informational presentation for GFA here.
Week 10: PneumaticsTime: 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Location: Portable P5 (located next to the tennis courts and behind the Performing Arts Center)
GFA members must select either Monday or Thursday* and attend** the selected session.
*The same content will be covered on both Mondays and Thursdays
**If you cannot make it to your assigned session, make sure you send Ayush a message in advance.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jeff Cheema, the Gael Force Academy Director, at:
The general curriculum for the first semester of GFA.
GFA Introductory FormNew members, please fill out this form to become an official member of GFA and select the day you will attend sessions. Make sure you have also submitted the Member Contract to Mr. Brown or an officer to be allowed to work in the room.
GFA CalendarGoogle Calendar for GFA curriculum.
GFA Discord InvitePlease join this Discord Group to receive reminders and announcements.
Mentor ContractFor mentors, please print, read, and sign this form indicating you understand the responsibilities and expectations as a mentor for GFA. Completed forms can be submitted to Ayush at a Tuesday lunch meeting.